Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Ate Angie :)

I took off work early to take my Mom to Wells Fargo Bank. Both our (separate) CDs matured a few days ago, so we set up an appointment to reinvest the CDs into new ones with the hopes that the interest rate will be higher. 

My Mom was baby sitting Mahliyah (my great niece), so she went with us. It was the first time that she rode in my car. Surprisingly, she was really well behaved. After we took care of the CD, we just went straight home and watched some Kiddy show until my niece Cathy (Mahliyah's Mom) came from work.

Later in the evening, my sister-in-law called and invited us to go to dinner to celebrate her birthday. We went to Golden City Buffet–a relatively new Chinese Buffet in Vallejo. It was fun and the food was good.

Monday, September 29, 2008

This is a test post.