Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Busy Weekend

This weekend was busier than I expected it to be. I was planning on just staying at home and working in the garden, but things just came up.

Saturday morning, my Mom woke me up and said we were going to to go out to lunch at Golden City Buffet for JR's (my nephew's) birthday.

Afterwards, I stopped by Mid-City Nursery to see if they had any fall/winter vegetables for sale. They had some, but I not anything I was looking for. I was looking for Brussells Sprout, Mustard and Snap Peas.

Late, Saturday afternoon, my Mom and Brother was out in the front yard cleaning, so I joined in. I pulled out all the dried up Society Garlic flower stalks as well as removing the dried up Daylily leaves. I also pulled many weeds and swept up all the fallen leaves from our neighbor's tree across the street.

Sunday, my relatives in Santa Clara called my Mom and told her that her cousin who she hasn't seen for a while is in town... So my Mom asked if we can drive over to Santa Clara to visit... So we spent Sunday there.

My Mom's cousin--I guess that would be my Uncle--last saw me in Guan when I was 4 years old and was telling me that he use to teach me how to tell time. hehe... My Mom also brought a photo album with photos of us in Guam and it was cool looking through it. I also found some photos of soda cans of Coke, 7-up and Mountain Dew from 1973.

Oh yeah, my cousin also gave me the Sugar Cane that he was given.

We took I-101 home and when we were crossing the Golden Gate Bridge we saw a big fire on Angle Island... we stopped at the vista point and took a look at it. It was crazy, I don't recall even seeing such a large fire except on TV, so it was kind of surreal.

Posted with LifeCast

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